Lateral Flow Development Solutions
Clarity BioSolutions has developed Lateral Flow (LF) tests for a variety of applications and purposes including progesterone monitoring to optimise productivity in the dairy industry:
- Dairy industry: progesterone monitoring to optimise productivity in the dairy industry
- Clinical: working with Imperial College London to develop diagnostics for one of the world’s most deadly diseases, tuberculosis
- Bespoke development of reader and app for third party LF tests
- Other collaborative projects including bovine tuberculosis and advanced breeding biomarker analysis in the beef and dairy industry
Additionally, we have:
- Collaborated with Imperial College London (ICL) for the development of a powerful set of tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic blood biomarkers together with low cost lateral flow technology to address the worldwide need for a low-cost screening tool for active TB, enabling better disease treatment and containment.
- Developed reader and app for analysis of third party LF tests.
- Become part of an ambitious consortium to develop a lateral flow-based test and monitoring system for on-farm bovine tuberculosis. The collaboration allies our reader and lateral flow development experience with Aberystwyth University’s world-leading biomarker research, life science businesses Dynamic Extractions, software specialists Bond Digital Health and Sona Nanotech in Canada, specialists in gold nanorod LF technology.
- Collaboratively developed a system for on-farm testing for a variety of bovine herd health markers with automated sample and results logging system.
- Developed reader solutions for personal care and high-throughput lateral flow test applications.